Việt Nam
We are here to help.
Partner with us for data-based development and claim validation.

Comfort is the result of dedicated, holistic product development.

It is not achieved with just one construction parameter (e.g. fiber materials). All parameters must be adjusted to climate and application.

Comfort and functionality are important for clothing and home textiles. Textile materials and garment systems for many uses (e.g., everyday life, sports, workwear, personal protective equipment) must function, allow freedom of movement, support and enhance performance. The same applies to home and contract textiles. Comfortable bedding, for example, contributes to healthy sleep.

Basically, textile comfort is about heat regulation and moisture management, the sensation on the skin and ergonomic design.

Why Hohenstein?

Hohenstein has led the industry for over 75 years, researching the human-textile-climate interaction.

Body-Climate-Clothing Interaction

Body-Climate-Bed Interaction

We are pioneers in the development of scientific methods for objectively determining the wear and sleep comfort of textile products. Our expertise supports claim verification and product development:

  • Quantitative measurement and quality control of comfort-relevant parameters of textile materials
  • Comfort assessment of products, materials and systems - including the affect of fit and pattern
  • Consulting for data-based product development of comfort properties
  • Determination of range of utility for clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) - depending on climate and activity
  • Evaluation of the (evaporative) cooling effect for materials and clothing for sports/outdoor, work and leisure activities

We work with material developers, manufacturers and brands to optimize comfort by assessing specific characteristics of materials, apparel, sportswear, workwear, PPE, bedding, sleeping bags, car seats, furniture and more.

Hohenstein sets the standards.

Our expertise is especially suited to creating testing plans around the end-user's needs. We conduct research, invent measurement methods and devices and correlate/verify the data.

We transfer this knowledge by writing standards and leading committees, as well as with the Hohenstein Academy.

Three Crucial Factors for Comfort

Heat and Moisture

Heat and Moisture Management

Breathability, heat insulation, sweat transport, cooling, warming
  • How effectively textiles or systems (ie. bedding, apparel or seating systems) retain heat or cool down
  • How effectively materials are able to transport sweat away from the skin and quickly release it into the environment
Skin Sensation

Wearing Sensation on the Skin

We developed the skin-sensorial comfort assessment through applied research. The method turns subjective sensations into objective data.

Five main factors contribute to skin sensory comfort:


Ergonomic Comfort

Always consider the user's motion and environment.

To what extent is comfort influenced by garment construction, fit and heat and moisture management?

Using our thermal manikins and climate chambers, we determine the heat and moisture management parameters of entire clothing and textile systems - in the expected ambient conditions - during the potential user's movements.

For example, in personal protective equipment (PPE), comfort plays a key role in safety and user acceptance. PPE must be tailored to the needs of the wearer - while working in emergency environments - and be comfortable during all motion sequences.

Comfort Certifications

Hohenstein Performance Index (HPI)

For sports and outdoor clothing, a three-layer clothing system is often recommended. Each layer fulfills a different function. Together, the layers optimize comfort for the specific use.

We test and classify the product performance of the individual clothing layers (DIN EN 16422). The tests characterize the thermoregulatory properties according to clothing layer and use case. Based on these results, we create a Hohenstein Performance Index for each product. The index allows users to compare individual materials/garments.

Learn more

Scientific Comfort Measurements

Fabric Testing

Specialized Heat and Moisture Measurements on Fabric

Through extensive research, we've developed or modified specialized equipment to reliably determine the physical parameters of heat and moisture management. To test for specific user scenarios, we use climate chambers to simulate use and climate conditions that are adjusted to the application.


Thermal Insulation, Heat and Moisture Measurements on Garment, Bedding and Seating Systems

Skin Sensitivity

Skin Sensorial Assessment

To measure comfort (also known as skin sensory comfort) we employ methods developed from years of scientific research to objectively evaluate subjective sensitivity.

Body Analysis

Ergonomic comfort can be optimized through body movement analysis.


Comfort Tests by Application

Hohenstein is at the forefront of comfort assessment for textiles, clothing, PPE, bedding, sleeping bags, vehicle seats, seating furniture and much more.

Apparel, Footwear, Sportswear, Athleisure, Uniforms, Children's Wear, Outerwear, etc.

Clothing forms a barrier between the human skin and the external environment. Materials and garments should support a wearer's performance and comfort, not restrict the body's natural mechanisms for maintaining physiological comfort and movement.

These tests are especially suitable for assessing the comfort of sports/outdoor clothing and other garments:

  • Thermal insulation (thermal resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Breathability (water vapor resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Sweat management (water vapor and liquid sweat, DIN EN 16422)
  • Thermal resistance of the moist textile and drying time
  • Dynamic drying (ISO 13029)
  • Cooling capacity (DIN SPEC 60015)
  • Skin sensorial comfort
  • Thermal insulation by means of a thermal manikin (DIN EN ISO 15831)
  • Thermal insulation of children's clothing
  • Breathability via sweating thermal manikin
  • Wear comfort
  • Range of utility
  • Hohenstein Performance Index (DIN CEN/TR 16422)
  • Sleeping bags - upper and lower range of utility (DIN EN ISO 23537-1)

Hohenstein develops smart testing programs based on your target users and goals.


Textile Materials and Products Used in Home or Contract Settings

Home textiles include bedding systems, mattresses, mattress covers, sheets, blankets, duvets, pillows, upholstered furniture, office chairs, towels, etc. Along with durability, safety and sustainability, comfort is a top priority.

These tests are especially suitable for assessing the comfort of home and contract textiles:

  • Thermal insulation (thermal resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Breathability (water vapor resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Sweat management (vapor permeability)
  • Skin sensory comfort
  • Thermal insulation with thermal manikin (DIN EN ISO 15831)
  • Breathability with sweating thermal manikin
  • Thermal insulation of children's duvets

Hohenstein develops smart testing programs based on your target users and goals.


Medical Textiles and Devices

Medical textiles (such as surgical masks, surgical gowns, bandages, medical uniforms, etc.) are closely linked to other technical textiles. Comfort requirements depend on the application of the medical textile.

These tests are especially suitable for assessing the comfort of medical textiles:

  • Thermal insulation (thermal resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Breathability (water vapor resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Sweat management (vapor permeability)
  • Thermal resistance of the moist textile and drying time
  • Dynamic drying (ISO 13029)
  • Skin sensory comfort
  • Thermal insulation with thermal manikin (DIN EN ISO 15831)
  • Breathability with sweating thermal manikin

Hohenstein develops smart testing programs based on your target users and goals.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / Military

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and military textiles include garments and face/body coverings, some of which are used in extreme conditions. The main task is to protect the wearer from external threats such as heat, flames, cold, electrical charges or moisture. These conditions place complex demands on textiles. In addition to their protective function, they must be durable and comfortable.

These tests are especially suitable for assessing the garments with protective functions:

  • Thermal insulation (thermal resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Breathability (water vapor resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Sweat management (vapor permeability)
  • Thermal resistance of the moist textile and drying time
  • Dynamic drying (ISO 13029)
  • Cooling capacity (DIN SPEC 60015)
  • Skin sensory comfort
  • Thermal insulation with thermal manikin (DIN EN ISO 15831)
  • Range of utility
  • Protective clothing: Clothing systems and garments for protection against cold (DIN EN 342)
  • Protective clothing: Garments for protection against cool environments (DIN EN 14058)
  • Effective thermal insulation in water (EN ISO 15027-3)
  • Breathability with sweating thermal manikin
  • Electrostatic properties (DIN EN 1149-1,-2, -3 and -5, DIN EN 61340-4-9)
  • Comfort and mobility of ballistic armor (collaboration with DuPont Kevlar)

Hohenstein develops smart testing programs based on your target users and goals.


Hygiene Products

Disposable and reusable hygiene products include wipes, sanitary towels, diapers and incontinence products, etc. Because hygiene products are used and worn close to the body, a good feeling on the skin and comfortable heat and moisture management are important.

These tests are especially suitable for assessing the hygiene products and materials:

  • Thermal insulation (thermal resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Breathability (water vapor resistance, DIN EN ISO 11092)
  • Skin sensory comfort
  • Friction

Hohenstein develops smart testing programs based on your target users and goals.

Meet Dr. Jan Beringer.

Visit the Hohenstein Academy to view these webcasts:

WestPoint Hospitality bedding in white

WestPoint Hospitality wanted to develop more comfortable bedding.

"[Hohenstein's] expertise in the sleep comfort and the moisture transport and the heat transport through the sleep chamber is second to none in the marketplace."

- Keith Lang, Senior Vice President, WestPoint Hospitality
Three avatars with different sizes and body shapes, viewed from the side

Fit and pattern development is a science.

Ben Mead
Managing Director
Hohenstein Americas